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What Does Japanese Knotweed Look Like? | JBB Knotweed Solutions

JBB Knotweed News

What does Japanese Knotweed look like in Spring?

Can you identify the early signs of some of our most common invasive plants in Scotland?

Spring is in the air and with that comes new life. It’s the time of year when many of our invasive plant species start to rear their heads again. But would you be able to spot them?

Here are some of their “baby faces” – take our quiz to see how good your early spring time invasive plant ID skills are.

How to identify Japanese Knotweed when it starts to grow | JBB Knotweed Solutions

What does Japanese Knotweed look like in Spring? Test your identification skills!

1 / 9

Early Japanese Knotweed Growth in Scotland

2 / 9

Giant Hogweed New Growth

3 / 9

Himalayan Balsam early growth in Scotland

4 / 9

American skunk Cabbage

5 / 9

Red arrow-headed shoots of Japanese Knotweed shoots in early growth

6 / 9

Field Horsetail in Scotland

7 / 9

Early Japanese Knotweed Growth

8 / 9

Giant Hogweed New Growth

9 / 9

How to identify Japanese Knotweed when it starts to grow | JBB Knotweed Solutions

Your score is

The average score is 72%


Japanese Knotweed in Scotland is already showing signs of new shoots everywhere – find out more about Japanese Knotweed identification here.
Already this year, our team has surveyed new Japanese Knotweed growth in Ayrshire, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Motherwell, Dumfries, Fife, Perth, Inverness, Aberdeen, Fort William, and Islay… to name just a few. It is safe to say that the Japanese Knotweed in Scotland is now growing again for the season.
If you want to chat with one of our specialist Japanese Knotweed experts who are based in Scotland – get in touch.

Book a Japanese Knotweed Survey

We can tell you if you definitely have Japanese

Knotweed on your property and recommend the

best course of action.

We can tell you if you definitely have Japanese Knotweed on your property and recommend the best course of action.