Man holding an iPad that displays the text "Sign up for the JBB Newsletter!"

What is the JBB Newsletter?

Firstly, here is our pledge to you – No Spam, ever!

Our aim is to share 4-5 email newsletters per year that are designed to be informative, relevant, & add real value value. We plan to share what we are seeing as we visit sites across Scotland, including:

  • Seasonal information (what to be on the lookout for at different times of the year)
  • What industry trends and changes we are seeing that may impact your role or business
  • Keep you up to date with any changes to legislation & policy
  • Anonymised Case studies of projects that we have been working on, that may provide learnings for your organisation
  • The important information that keeps your Invasive species knowledge up to date.
  • Maybe the odd bad joke here or there..!

You can unsubscribe at anytime – but you won’t want to!

Sign up: